Importance of Club Activities in Schools

LABURNUM PUBLIC SCHOOL believes in providing quality education, holistic development, where scholastic and co- scholastic aspects are given equal weightage. As per NEP, skills are an integral part for Child’s holistic development as it would help students to build self esteem, confidence and leadership skills. etc. They attract people who share the same interests such as in music, arts, or sports. Club activities help students develop sense of unity and teamwork, learning how to work with others in reaching the same goals and help learners develop social skills. To foster that skills our school conducts clubs activities for Pupils like design thinking, financial literacy, art integration to gain access to dexterity, knowledge and ability, career ethics, good working attitude by skill training, establishing skill standards, and other relating activities with a vision to enhance their vocational skills, We have clubs like वित्त अनुप्रयोग i.e financial literacy, उज्ज्वला which is meant for innovation, वसुधा means awareness related to environment and पर्यटन i.e tourism etc to build and foster skills of learners. And this would definitely help in improving the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well being of our future stars. Therefore we have designed a detailed syllabus for different club activities to be conducted in coming days.
Sr. no. | CLUB NAMES (Class III -V) |
1 | यांत्रिकी |
2 | वसुधा |
3 | संवेदना |
4 | आहार योजना |
5 | सृजन |
Sr. no. | CLUB NAMES (CLASS VI – XI) |
1 | वित अनुप्रयोग |
2 | लावण्य |
3 | पर्यटन |
4 | योग विज्ञान |
5 | उज्ज्वला |
* यांत्रिकी – This club is related to Information Technology and Artificial intelligence which has been designed with an objective to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of learners. IT is the main driver behind innovation and ensures improved accuracy and help students to be updated with latest technologies with its best usage like app development, game development at an early age which would result in better understanding, decision making and problem solving skills using e-resources. And these innovative software would allow our pupil to work in more precise and accurate manner.
Learning Objectives –
- Improve efficiency and productivity by automating tasks and processes
- Enable better decision-making by providing access to accurate and timely
- Enhance the accessibility of information through web-based systems and mobile technologies.
- To solve a problem, motivate, and promote learning of pupil using game-based thinking and techniques.
* वसुधा – Vasudha is related to our earth that is environmental club, it includes group of concerned students, volunteers that are committed to raise awareness about environment issues and provide students with an opportunity to learn more about their surroundings. The main purpose of this club is to promote environmental awareness and develop the social and life skill of students as it would empower students to take action and work towards building and creating upon a vision of sustainable future. Environmental club will educate children in environmental sustainability and give them access to the natural world around them to create a lasting connection with the health of the planet.
Learning objectives –
- To help students acquire an awareness and sensitivity to the total environment and its problems
- To help the student acquire experience in using their acquired knowledge and skills in taking thoughtful, positive action toward the resolution of environmental issues and problems
- To guide students establish and strengthen school environmental clubs
- To help student acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for the sustainable production, consumption and participate in environmental maintenance and improvement
* संवेदना- Samvedna means ‘an empathetic attitude’ that will ensure better understanding and sharing of response procedures among others. This club emphasizes on “social work”, it has been designed with an objective to make students aware about social service with its significance to understand the problem of others and striving to improve many lives of peoples in society. This club would help to promote a positive school climate among school students and they will work to identify the needs of more intensive interventions, involve themselves in additional services in community where needed which would teach our learners many values like values of Human Dignity and Worth, Self- determination, Integrity, and Competence continue to ground the best and most satisfying work.
Learning objectives-
- Make use of effective communication to employ a planned change approach which supports client interventions across systems levels (individuals, families, small groups, agencies, and community)
- Apply critical thinking skills in problem solving with social work values and ethics
- To make positive impact in society and improve quality of life
* आहार योजना – This club is related to health awareness which focuses on balanced diet, proper
nutrition in take, healthy body and wealthy mind. It would help students to be aware their health,
enhance nutrition and integration of physical activity as their daily routine as it is most important
skill for students to build a healthy and positive attitude. Creating awareness about health sets a stage where students will gather information, knowledge, foster participative management, spark ideas and
the most importantly seek the understanding as to why it is important to give priority to our health.
Learning Objectives-
- To provide information about health and its value as community asset
- To maintain norms of good health
- To enable the students to identify health problems and understand their own role on health
- To enable the students to set an example of desirable health behaviour.
* सृजन- The word ‘srijan’ means creation, it is related to creativity, imagination and create your own world. Its been designed with an objective to make students develop their imagination, creativity and communication skills etc. Creativity and imagination are powerful tool that can be used to express learners’ thoughts, feelings and ideas in unique manner and their in their own personal way. And that expression of thoughts can be in any form like story writing, poem or art integration etc. This club aims to give healthy outlets to students to navigate their emotions, learn about outside world themselves, and create their own rainbow.
Learning Objectives-
- To encourage kids to exercise their creative minds and practice using their imaginations.
- To improve the ability to come up with alternatives which would broaden the thought processes, can lead to success in many areas, including problem solving and analysis
To boosts imagination to create new world
* वित अनुप्रयोग- This club means to boost the most important skill in students that is ‘Financial Literacy’. It has been designed to make our future stars self-sufficient and financially stable. It would help students to gain knowledge and information to save money, distinguish between wants and needs, manage a budget, pay bills, purchase a home, plan a budget etc. By comprehending its elements, students will surely develop financial literacy as the ability to manage money properly is made possible by having a solid understanding of finance. Without financial literacy, one’s actions and decisions about savings and investments would be weak and unsupported. One can manage their finances effectively by learning financial principles.
Learning Objectives-
- Effective management of money and debt.
- Greater equipped to reach financial goals.
- Reduction of expenses through better regulation.
- Less financial stress and anxiety
- To educate individuals on how to earn, spend, save, borrow, and protect their money.
* लावण्य- The word ‘lavanya’ means beauty, wellness and personality development. This club has been designed with an aim to make our future stars aware of different components of whole person development and how to live a balanced and successful life. This would help our students to boost their soft skills, body language, dressing sense, interaction in society, and most important is Self- Actualisation etc. Personality Development skills make an individual disciplined, punctual and confident.
Learning Objective-
- To assess standing along five major dimensions of personality:
(1) extraversion, (2) agreeableness, (3) conscientiousness, (4) emotional stability, and (5) openness.
* पर्यटन- It represents “tourism’. This club is formed with the objective of creating awareness among
the students about Tourism activities and to incorporate the student’s strength and potential in the
development of tourism in our State. It includes research area as a whole, where physical, economic,
social and cultural aspects of tourism, tourist markets, and destinations are the main corner-stones of
learning and fun activities like awareness engagement, action, discussion, interactions and fact based
Learning Objectives-
- To boost the concept of understanding, connecting, and creating value
- To promote social development
- To promote understanding of different cultures
- To promote quality of life for all
- Understand the importance of tourism in economy
* योग विज्ञान- It is related to “Yoga Science’. This yoga science club has been designed to make the pupils aware about the root of yoga and get the depth knowledge and information that how yoga is an art and science for a healthy living. It focuses mainly on bringing harmony between mind and body. The practice of Yoga leads to the union of an individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. It includes both theory and practical knowledge regarding yoga asanas which would help our pupils to understand the purpose to build up strength, awareness and harmony etc.
Learning objective-
- To enable the student to have good health.
- To practice mental hygiene.
- To possess emotional stability.
- To integrate moral values.
- To attain higher level of consciousness
* उज्ज्वला- Ujjavala means “Design Thinking and Innovation” which is a method to solve problems using a process. It is one of the most effective ways to create something new. A process that first understands users, identifies and analyses a problem or need, and researches relevant information, after which ideas are explored and analyzed, until an appropriate innovative solution to the problem or need is arrived at while on the other hand Innovation involves the implementation of something new and replacing or reframing the existing mindset. It is about translating a concept, idea, thought, etc.
Learning objective-
- Provide the students with more options to develop design skills through events and workshops
- Connect students interested in design and innovation as part of their professional lives
- Create a more innovative culture
1. यांत्रिकी
- Construct tool (Game making)
- AI Techniques
- Machine Learning (Rock Paper Scissors
- AI Game
2. वसुधा
(My duty to conserve and protect my environment through Re- imagination, Re- creation and Restoration)
- Slogan writing on kites emphasizing on relevance and concern for nature
Creation of useful product form waste material - Sowing of seeds and quiz on Plantation of Seeds’
- Bird feeder making activity using old plastic bottles
- Poster making on Coastal clean up Day (Swachh sagar Surakshit sagar)
- Slogan writing on cleanliness
- Plastic bottle gardening in school
- Puppet show to create environmental awareness in society
- Making eco-friendly ganesha using clay
- Poster making and campaign regarding saving water
3. संवेदना
- My act of kindness through book donation and campaigning to spread awareness
- Poster making on “Blood Donation Awareness”
- Oratory skill activity on “Respecting our Elders”
- Spreading awareness about “organ donation”
- “Orphanage Visit” spend time with underprivileged children in any GO
- * Cloth Donation Drive and campaigning to spread awareness of charity in society
- Oratory skill activity on topic Have you ever been a reason of happiness in someone’s life’
4. आहार योजना
- Hopscotch activity with my plate ideas
- Mixed up my plate slogan game
- Fruit or vegetable walk
- Physical activity charades
- Food safety Germ Tag
- Food Trivia fun and fact Game
- Make a food rainbow collage
- Cooking without fire
- Matching relay
5. सृजन
- Preparation of fashion jewellery components
- Poem writing
- Script writing
- Blog writing
- Brochure making
- Poster making
- Create your own vocabulary pocket dairy
6. वित अनुप्रयोग
- Demonstrative activity to give knowledge of Banking
- Finance atlas
- What is budget and what type of budget is holding you back?
- Cash puzzler activity
- Mode of digital payments – Card Based (Find out credit card and debit card works)
- Reflect on need vs want through illustrations
- Group activity- Would you give yourself a loan
- PoS (Point of sale) and its benefits
- Mode of digital payments- Mobile based banking and others
- Understanding taxes and your paycheck
7. लावण्य
- Time management
- Postures
- Body language
- Physical fitness and healthy eating
- Interpersonal communication
- SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity and threats)
- Exuberate confidence
- Socialization
- Decluttering
- Broaden your horizon
(Activities such as Elocution, Free electives, declamations, debate, performing arts etc)
8. पर्यटन
- Classification of tourism
- Research on religious places like Puri, kashi, kedarnath etc with facts, figures and mysteries
- Research on national parks
- PPT on any one site based tourism place of India (Tea Garden in Assam, sand dunes in Jaisalmer
- Quiz on event based tourism
- What are UNESCO world heritage sites in india
- Visit to Pradhan Mantri Sangralaya and make a report of the same
9. योग विज्ञान
- Eight steps of yoga Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
Yoga Asanas for Beginners:
1. Sukhasana
5. Naukasana
2. Balasana
3. Paschimottanasana
4. Bhujangasana
5. Naukasana
6. Trikonasana - 10 asanas of Hatha Yoga
- 8 Limbs of Yoga
- 4 crucial asanas of yoga (Siddhasana, Padmasana, Bhadrasana and Simhasana)
- 5 yamas of yoga: Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed)
Satya (truthfulness)
– Asteya (non-stealing)
– Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right use of energy’)
– Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding) - A-Z Asana Guide
10. उज्ज्वला
- App Development
- Web Development
- AI ethics
- Fundamentals of 2d
- Fundamentals of 3D
- Introduction to Observation & Problem
- Identification.
- Fundamentals of Documentary
- Photography
- Python
- Java
- C++