School Laboratories
As per the prescribed CBSE format, the physics lab in the school campus are equipped all the latest physics equipment. In order to meet the demand of learning of vast number of students, the instruments are ample in number. The students are also divided into groups for better understanding and team work. Vernier Callipers, screw gauge, lens and various other complex topics are made to understand easily through their practical use.
The chemistry lab has ample facilities to ensure the learning of at least 40 students at a time. As chemistry is one such subject, whose practical applications need high supervision, subject teacher and lab attendants are always present in the lab. All the experiments are made to be done carefully by the students.
Physics Lab
As per the prescribed CBSE format, the physics lab in the school campus are equipped all the latest physics equipment. In order to meet the demand of learning of vast number of students, the instruments are ample in number. The students are also divided into groups for better understanding and team work. Vernier Callipers, screw gauge, lens and various other complex topics are made to understand easily through their practical use.
Chemistry Lab
The chemistry lab has ample facilities to ensure the learning of at least 40 students at a time. As chemistry is one such subject, whose practical applications need high supervision, subject teacher and lab attendants are always present in the lab. All the experiments are made to be done carefully by the students.
Chemistry Lab
The chemistry lab has ample facilities to ensure the learning of at least 40 students at a time. As chemistry is one such subject, whose practical applications need high supervision, subject teacher and lab attendants are always present in the lab. All the experiments are made to be done carefully by the students.
Biology Lab
With the help of latest technology, the subject is made fun to learn and grasp. The high-power microscopes are present in the lab to go the complexities of human life, plant life and animal kingdom. Just get a curious mind and all you have all the facilities to enhance the learning experience here.
Computer Lab
The technology aspect is also taken deep care of. We have a number of Computer labs in the campus. All of them are equipped with several computer systems with great internet connectivity. The assignment making and video lessons are provided and supervised by respective subject teachers.
Computer Lab
The technology aspect is also taken deep care of. We have a number of Computer labs in the campus. All of them are equipped with several computer systems with great internet connectivity. The assignment making and video lessons are provided and supervised by respective subject teachers.